Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Morning Raga For Woodwind And Cow

Every so often we hear this crazy whining jazzy music in the mornings, moving from one end of the neighborhood to the next and then vanishing. One or both of us will mutter, “What the hell IS that?” and either go back to sleep or run to chase it, inevitably being too late.

Well, today we finally caught the guy and cow you see above, playing a crazy tune for our neighbor across the street. The neighbor gave the gent a bit of money for himself and some food for the highly decorated cow. We called the guy, horn and cow over for some of the same treatment, and did as the neighbor did.

It’s always something hereā€¦

How To String Jasmine For Pam’s Hair Every Day

This is Rathnama. She takes care of the house and pretty good care of us as well. Every morning she brings a string of jasmine flowers to Pam and ties them into her hair. We thought she bought them at the market, but in fact she makes them herself – here’s how she does it:

Needless to say, Pam is never going back to a non-jasmine lifestyle. Hopefully one of you, dear readers, will learn from this video, and, when we get back to SF, bring these to Pam every morning.

Video shot with Pam’s cute little FlipVideo recorder. The pink one.

Live Peep Show !

Some things are just plain wrong. We stumbled upon this horrifying sight in a back alley near the city center market area in Bangalore and could not believe our eyes. Click if you dare; not for the faint of heart.

~ Phil

Sanderella, Queen of the Desert

Pamela shows us all how to get on top of a CAMEL.


This video was shot, by the way, with the Canon 5D Mark II… though the HD does not come thru here, sadly, unless I join Vimeo PLUS for 59 bucks a year; am pondering.

~ Phil