Posts Tagged ‘delhi’
First Weekend in Delhi
An Arrival Tale
OK so we made it to India, and as we left the airport for our hotel realized my camera backpack, containing many thousands of dollars in photgraphic and audio gear, was missing. The driver waited while a very nice gentleman from the airport helped reverse-navigate through security quite fast, and we found the missing cargo. We returned to the car and the gentleman lingered just long enough for us to realize he expected (and quite deserved) a tip. We handed him what seemed like a reasonable 10 INR tip and drove away. However, we later checked the value of the tip on the iPhone, and in U.S. currency we had tipped this man roughly 20 cents. ..
Two Friends, a Bullwhip, and a Wedding
Our dear freind Aaron Green had already been in India for a month, as had our mutual friend Melanie, and we were fortunate to be able to intersect with them on our first full evening out. They had come for the wedding of a work colleague, and the wedding families had kindly insisted we be included at the final night’s dinner table. The first of many kindnesses of a really lovely evening. Anyway, Aaron arrived at our hotel carrying a bullwhip and two riding crops; the security men at the hotel gate were concerned, and apparently put Aaron and his “souvenirs” through quite the ringer before allowing them entry :) We had a fantastic evening (bullwhip optional), but Pam is the real writer here and I will leave such things to her. Really just testing WordPress.
~ Phil