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We Are Leaving For Home Today

In 6 hours we leave for the airport. It’s been a long couple of weeks of tearful goodbyes, endless meals and gifted sweets, and truly suprising kindnesses. We are ready to go home, but we will miss all our friends and neighbors here. Last night we enjoyed our last nightride on the Enfields. The new owners of each will come this morning to take them to new homes :)

So we are headed to the airport… but we are not home yet! We have unfinished business with the beaurocratic stuff around transporting our Darjeeling street cur; it is not at all a given that she will make it home. The double-talk and mind-crushingly Byzantine procedures around international dog-shipping from here may defeat us, we do not know. The worst case is pretty damned grim.

We go from here to Delhi, where we will arrive tonight, and in the morning we leave by car for Agra and the Taj Mahal. Rumor has it there is a retirement village for dancing bears out that way, so we may have to stop…

Sunday we come back from the Taj, and in the wee hours of Monday morning, we board Emirates are for the first leg of the flight home, stopping over in Dubai. But still we are delayed: due to the dog (if she makes it that far), we must lay over for longer than 6 hours, per Emirates rules; and there is only one flight a day, so that really means 24 hours. So we board Emirates again for the final leg on Tuesday morning, to arrive in San Francisco sometime on Tuesday.

Gonna stop at Pancho’s on Polk Street and Kiji on Guererro immediately. After that we are turning on the invisibility cloak for a couple of weeks.

See you soon :)

It’s The Final Countdown

At this moment we have only 9 days to go.

Yeah, it’s bittersweet. Cliché, but true. We are seriously going to miss India; at the same time, we will be happy to come back to the States.

There were so many more essays and photos we wanted to post here… every day brought innumerable new stories, images, what-the-fuck moments and revelations… Proustian nano-moments :) Well, we did what we could – a kind of brute force triage – posting what time would allow, and what would not be stifled :)

Given that coming home is also a part of this adventure, what with adjustments and re-entry issues, I think we are going to keep this blog going for some time, and continue to backfill photos and write new essays chronicling our return home and experiences settling in.

So please do keep coming back, as the journey will not be over for a long time yet !

Dr. Ambedkar

This is Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, a major hero to the underclasses here. His figure can be seen anywhere the Dalit classes congragate: portraits, statues, signs, poojas, parks and plaques. He was the first of the Dalit castes to obtain higher education, earning law degrees and multiple doctorates from Columbia University and the London School of Economics. By the time he died in 1956, he had spent a lifetime fighting against the caste system here, evangelizing Hindus to move to Buddhism, and architecting the very first Indian constitution.

This particular representation of Dr. Ambedkar has been painted on a wall along Bannerghatta Road, a main artery through the city here in Bangalore. Every time we pass by, I have been struck by the unusually articulate style, the gorgeous blue, and the fact that the style for some reason kind of reminds me of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine…!

Click on the image to step back and view from a distance.

River Morning

I don’t know if this photo really does the job, but the morning light at this part of the Cauvery River in Dubare, Coorg, was astounding. Click the photo for a larger view.

XDi Summit 2010

We have just celebrated completing a year of creative work, building the design team here at Adobe in India. We had a week long Summit gathering, bringing our staff from Delhi and Chennai to Bangalore, and we capped the week off with a great overnight trip to Dubare Elephant Park (highly recommended!). For the trip, five of us opted to ride Enfields instead of the bus; great fun, with a great bunch of guys.

Standing, left to right: Ranganath Krishnamani (he designed the poster we are holding!), Sumit Dey, Zinal Patel, myself, Sharan Grandigae, and Prasanna Kumar.

Crouching, left to right: Eugene Jude, Aman Sagar, Sreedhar Ranganathan, Jaydeep Dutta, and Nakul Kumar.



This hot cockeyed mess of a yappety mongrel is Kali’s wannabe boyfriend. His name is Teddy, he lives across the street, and he will BITE your ass.